article writing tips to persuade readers

5 Article Writing Tips to Persuade Readers

Writing is an art of expressing ideas in a written form. A good piece of writing persuades the reader’s attention to read from start to end. Quality write-ups always leave a greater impact on readers’ minds, motivating them to a renewed approach and changing their perceptions. Article writing requires you to combine your imaginative thought processing, expressiveness and of course, make the best use of words which should enshrine a keen sense of bonhomie and belongingness while the readers read the articles.

Senior editors, content strategists, and editorial mentors at SEO CONTENT INDIA have summed five most crucial factors that weigh charismatic impact on readers if the suggested tips are implemented in writing articles for the web. Professional and skilled article writers are well aware of such important factors. As a writer, you must remain abreast of your readers before starting to write anything. It is always necessary that as a writer you decide whom you target to read your piece.

Furthermore, there should also be equal awareness about your end goal when you write articles to seek your reader’s attention. In addition, quality articles also improve the ranking of a website. Your article should remain imprinted in the readers’ minds, at least for a while for them to feel your mind. That is how your aim to reach your readers through your write-ups can fulfilled.

Persuade your Readers to Make a Buying Decision

Persuade your Readers to Take Buying Decision

Obviously, it would be possible only if you anticipate the questions before the readers and let them feel something noteworthy as well as challenging in your article. Here are listed five notable factors whose implementation in your article writing can bring a big difference. You can go through the article writing tips to persuade readers by incorporating the below-mentioned points:

1. Identifying your readership

Writing articles without a focus on the readership is like throwing an arrow in the dark. It is important that before you start writing an article, first identify the target readership. By identifying readerships, you somehow attain success in using the writing process technique meticulously. You will be in a better position to craft your article to be read and further evaluated by the readers.

The focus of your article must also remain on shaping that to direct conversation with the reader style. It would be possible only if you were aware of your readership. Undoubtedly, your article would be read by others as well to be considered a bonus. And, your path to popularity as an article writer will enhance when people start admiring your articles. You may also Improve your writing skills while sitting at Home.

2. Catchy and attention-seeking headlines

If readers are attracted to the headlines, they will move further to read at least the first paragraph. Good headlines pull your readers to stop and read. You augur your readers through headlines but the next important step is how to retain them to read the whole article. It is very much important to equally focus on the next step to turn your first paragraph equally appealing. Try to highlight unique points in your first and then subsequent paragraphs. It will ensure that reader interests don’t wane until they finish reading the whole article.

At times you should also think like your target readers to understand what they might be expecting from you. That is why writing an article is an art to convey a certain message in a strong motivational language. Your article must have the best of the facts to be shared, introduced and brought to fore before a potential reader.

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3. Keep the write-up interesting until the end

You can’t disappoint your readers in the middle while they start reading your article. Every article writer dreams that readers mustn’t stop reading an article. Should your readers share unfavorable comments when losing their interest while they read your piece? Of course, they shouldn’t. That is why your focus should be on maintaining consistency in an article from start to end. Consistency enhances focus so remains paramount.

Use of subheadings, bullets, and several other easy tools to express your ideas is equally helpful. Such reliable measures ensure that your article is grabbed by potential readers. Your article heading, the first line of an article, and then subsequent paragraphs should be coherent enough to retain the reader’s interest thus attention without forcing them to leave midway. It would be possible only if you can maintain maximum consistency. To improve your writing style, you must develop your habit of reading.

4. Speak layman’s language

Even though you are well aware of your target readership and also presume their knowledge level while writing an article, you must stick to a language that is simple and easily graspable by everybody. Rather than projecting your verbosity, the focus remains on describing the ideas in a language that laymen, as well as intellectuals, get to know and take action on thereafter. Let the reader’s interest be given prime importance and thus maintained with worthwhile information presented in a language that everybody understands without making the additional effort.

Keep your article simple and easy besides ascertaining to turn that into an engaging work to be admired by the readers. If you are a success in doing so you can easily motivate the readers to read the whole article in one go. No way your article bore a reader at any point of time to cause one to lose interest. Offer them an impressive writing piece that is informative and equally entertaining. That would be possible by adding some humor, real-life examples & quotations, and last but not least offering a language that appeals to all and sundry.

5. Impressive ending


Readers must receive the jest of ideas expressed with certain guidelines for further action in an article’s conclusion. It is crucial for an article writer to sincerely focus on the concluding paragraph as much as one had in the opening lines. Put recaps or summaries while concluding your article. The ending paragraph should be as comprehensive as possible. By turning your conclusion semi-informal and fully conversational you can easily peruse your readers to think about what is being explained. Your reader would start thinking from a reader’s perspective to value your ideas on the specific topic you describe. That is why, an article writer has to focus on numerous factors, including article writing tips to persuade readers, to bring out an article that has the potential to mesmerize the readers.

Conclusion: Article Writing Tips to Persuade Readers

There is no hard and fast rule to write articles in a certain parameter only. Article writing doesn’t compel you to follow the ‘one-size-fits-for-all’ concept. There is ample scope to use the resources and creativity to turn an article into a truly hypnotic one for the readers to read, assess, judge, and take action. What matters the most in writing is how to plan that through some brainstorming and idea evaluation before starting to write an article.

From short & catchy headlines to subsequent subheadings as and when required, an article writer has to focus on length and tone of all paragraphs. Readers should be provided with exactly what they expect from the article from start to end. Rather than imposing unnecessary things through your article, it is necessary to turn an article conversational. You must keep your readers hooked by addressing the audience’s needs. Thus, you must prepare an article after doing good research, share the best possible facts and statistics, and last but not least keep your article compact.

Be a smart article writer, and understand the difference between an article and website content writing. Write, read, revise, and edit until polished to be made best in consistency. Once you do so and present an informative article to your potential reader audiences, you will turn into a sought-after article writer to be admired for multiple reasons. So, go through these article writing tips to persuade readers.

Before you start writing, keep your focus on the content you are going to write. For example, writing a stellar dissertation is completely different from writing a PhD synopsis.


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